The Desert Has No Eyes to See

The desert has no eyes to see, said he,
Voice cracking muffled as do boots to
Gravel crumble. Loss counted hours
Stretched taut upon the rock. With eve,

Solace shone salt for stars, and noirettes
Danced in periphery - drunk in repose.
A cemetery of trees leafless, veins of turquoise
Morning sky, reached for oncoming cloud.
Dear sister o’ westerly wind, cast in your
Wake a halfhearted shadow. Before long
My resin will lacquer these badened lands,
And your charity will be my taking for leave.

For I have met the canyons chalked in
Red, beheld mountains steeped in haze;
And I, as splendor’s witness, triumph. Pity,
Said he, the desert has no eyes to see.




After the rain